Spiritual leader Deepak Chopra was one of the “trailblazer” speakers at Oprah Winfrey’s Life You Want Weekend earlier this fall. Photo by: Sonya Boatwright
Note: I attended Oprah Winfrey’s Life You Want Weekend Tour earlier this fall. I’m blogging every day this week about main messages from the event. Today is Day 4.
By Chanda Temple
Want to be happier in life? Try doing these three things spiritual leader Deepak Chopra suggested when he was a presenter at Oprah Winfrey’s Life You Want Weekend Tour in Atlanta in September.
1) See opportunities when others see problems
Think of life as a gift and not as a challenge. Live in gratitude.
2) Have purpose and meaning in life
Realize that true success is the ability to love, to have compassion and the ability to get in touch with the creative center inside you.
3) Know that the fastest way to be happy is to make someone else happy
How do you make others happy? You pay attention by doing deep listening. You show affection with deep caring. You show appreciation by being grateful for the people in your life. You show acceptance by accepting people as they are. Are you doing these? What’s holding you back from starting today?

“If you can be who you really are, you will become what you were meant to,” Deepak Chopra
Photo by: Sonya Boatwright
During his talk on spirituality and choices, Chopra made several poignant points. Here are some of my favorites:
- Wake up and thank God for making you just as you are.
- When you are making a choice, ask yourself what’s your motivation. Will it make you happy? Will it make others happy?
- If you can be who you really are, you will become what you were meant to.
- When things don’t seem to go your way, let go.
Want to meditate with Chopra? Go here to see the video.
Chanda Temple worked as a reporter for 20 years before becoming a public relations professional. She blogs about being better in business and more at http://www.chandatemplewrites.com. Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple.