By Chanda Temple

Build interest in your social media posts by adding properly-sized photos to them.
Image by Social Expert via Flickr/CreativeCommons.
When posting images on social media, size really does matter.
If the images are too small, you’ve lost the battle. If they are too big, you’ve lost the war. The point is to make them just right to keep your followers coming back for more.
Earlier this month, national social media guru Kim Garst spoke at Y’all Connect, a digital marketing and blogging conference in Birmingham, Ala. One of her tips addressed the importance of using the correct size images for online posts.
Instagram: 640 x 640 pixels
Pinterest: 735 x 1100 pixels
Facebook: 940 x 788 pixels
Twitter: 1024 x 512 pixels
Google Plus: 800 x 600 pixels
Keep in mind that people read a lot of material on their phone, so make the images a size that can be viewed on the phone. These dimensions should accomplish that.

Kim Garst is CEO of Boom Social and is a Forbes’ Top 10 Social Media Influencer.
Image provided by Y’all Connect via Flickr/CreativeCommons.
Here are some more online tips from Kim:
Does your post pass the share test? Is it funny? Does it help people? Does it inform? Are you providing analysis? Don’t just post for the sake of posting. Your post should at least be shareable.
Be bold. Take a stand with your posts. Those will capture folks’ attention.
Be brief. Don’t exceed a 50-character headline. Stick to three sentences in the body. Use active voice. Use eye-catching images.
Credit your source. When you find great information, credit the source.
Add drama to your posts with photos. People will find your posts on Twitter and Facebook to be more interesting if there are photos.
Can it be easily accessed on a smartphone? Nowadays, more people use their smartphones to look at the web. Make sure your website design is smartphone friendly.
Follow Kim on Twitter at @kimgarst.
Chanda Temple worked as a reporter for 20 years before becoming a public relations professional. She blogs about being better in business, building buzz and more at Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple.
Kathryn C Lang
June 28, 2014 at 12:24 pm (11 years ago)I appreciate how you broke down Kim’s talk into these simple tips. And who would have thought we would ever have permission to add “drama” to our lives. 😀
I think that the best reminder is to make our images (and our websites) friendly for viewing on the phone.
June 28, 2014 at 6:02 pm (11 years ago)You are so right. Kim did address the issue about making sure images can be viewed on a smartphone. I just added it.
Wade Kwon
July 1, 2014 at 11:21 pm (11 years ago)Good job not only sharing Kim’s tips but putting them into practice in this post, Chanda!
July 1, 2014 at 11:28 pm (11 years ago)Thanks, Wade. I appreciate the feedback. I loved Y’all Connect!