If you want it, go get it.
Image of American Ballet Theatre ballerina Misty Copeland from Under Armour is part of the company’s new ad campaign “I Will What I Want.”
By Chanda Temple
If you are feeling that you are too old, too big or too anything to accomplish what you want in life, check out Under Armour’s new “I Will What I Want” video of American Ballet Theatre ballerina soloist Misty Copeland. It will leave you dancing, on your tippy toes, to your destiny.
The video, which was released on July 30, 2014, has had more than 4 million You Tube views as of today.
Under Armour’s campaign is full of empowering images, words and videos about women athletes going for the gusto. The online ad with Misty says “You must have the passion, strength and belief that you can become anything.” I love it.
Here’s what some of the other ads say:
- I don’t give up. I get up. – Lindsey Vonn, world champion downhill skier
- It’s not about luck. – Sloane Stephens, pro tennis player
- Sitting out hurts more than being injured. – Kelly O’Hara, pro soccer player
- Will trumps fate. – Misty Copeland, ballerina

Lindsey Vonn, world champion downhill skier, appears in new Under Armour “I Will What I Want” ad. Image from Under Armour.
Misty’s message is empowering because it shows that she was a little girl with a dream of becoming a ballerina. But a rejection letter suggested she wasn’t up to snuff”: “You have the wrong body for ballet, and at 13, you are too old to be considered.” Misty did not let negative words define her. Instead, those words gave her the strength she didn’t know she had. She got on stage and proved her talents for all to see.
“I willed it and it came and it’s beautiful,” Misty said in another campaign video.
So if you are having a pity party right now and you think you’re not good enough, see what these women athletes have to say about perseverance in this video. You are good and you are enough.
Chanda Temple worked as a reporter for 20 years before becoming a public relations professional. She blogs about being better in business and more at http://www.chandatemplewrites.com. Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple. Contact her at chandatemple@gmail.com.