Make moves in May



By Chanda Temple

It’s 4 a.m. on the first day of May 2015 and I’m up thinking how will I “Make Moves in May.”

I know I’m not alone. Every time the first of the month rolls around, we promise ourselves that “this is the day I’ll do” this or that for improvement. And by the third day, we’ve fallen back into old habits.

Well, today is M-Day and it’s time to get serious. So for the next 31 days, I’m committing to making moves that will not only change my life but I hope will impact others. I’ll occasionally tweet about my journey and use the hashtag #makemovesinmay.

I challenge you to ask yourself this: What is it that you’ve been putting off because you keep telling yourself you don’t have the time, money or talent? Have you even attempted to do what you’ve been thinking? If not, do me a favor and just try.

  • If it’s loosing weight, take a 5-minute walk today. On tomorrow, do it again until you get up to 10 minutes. Slowly add in more minutes. Also, look at what you are eating. Can you commit to cutting back or giving up something? Take small steps and see where it leads you. It could lead to a Zumba class, running, swimming or something else. But you should try. (Note: Before getting heavily involved with a serious workout, consult your doctor.)
  • If money is tight, are there small things you can sacrifice to put a few dollars aside for a rainy day? Do you eat out every day for lunch or dinner? Consider packing your lunch and snacks. Do you buy a soda every afternoon or that morning cup of joe? Take a break from them. Also, avoid impulse buys. When you see it, ask yourself,  “Do I really need it?”
  • If you are fed up with your current job, what are you doing to change your situation? Have you updated your resume, taken extra courses or secured a certain certification to make you shine above others? Have you sought advice on who’s hiring or what you can do to advance where you are? Have you joined an organization in your field to broaden your networking opportunities? Things won’t change if you don’t change. You have to put in the work to get results. Consult a mentor about your next move.
  • If you are always down or just feel in a slump, take a deep look at why that’s so. Is it your environment, people at work or something deeper? Depression is serious business and if it’s blocking your joy, there’s nothing wrong with seeking professional help. Also, maintain a positive outlook. Find inspiring quotes or scriptures. Avoid negative people, thoughts and situations that will dampen your day. If you know a happy person, ask them what gets them through the day.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. God gave you your life to live and not someone else’s.

Chanda Temple is a former reporter now working in public relations. She blogs at Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple.

2 comments on Make moves in May

  1. Tanya
    May 5, 2015 at 4:27 pm (10 years ago)

    Hi Chanda,

    Thank you for sharing this. What you point out is true, I myself am a victim of what you describe. I am working on improving that by reading articles such as this to maintain my motivation. I’m on this journey with you and I will #MakeMovesInMay!!

      May 5, 2015 at 9:15 pm (10 years ago)

      Tanya, thank you for reading. Please come back for more inspiring posts.


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