Assistant Principal Tronci Southall-Mason makes a little boy’s day after giving him an unsolicited push on the swing in Birmingham, Ala. Photos by: Chanda Temple
By Chanda Temple
I work for Birmingham City Schools in Birmingham, Ala., where the smallest things yield big changes.
Take the other day on a school playground where a little boy sat in a swing with a sad face. The play area was full of children’s laughter and conversation. But there sat the little boy, sort of slumped down in his swing with a solemn face.
His assistant principal was giving a tour to visitors and noticed the little boy’s face. She asked him if anything was wrong. He said no. She asked if he needed a push. He still said nothing.
She knew better. She excused herself from the tour group, walked over to the little boy and gave him a big push. He moved his little legs back and forth to gain momentum. Soon he was on his way. He responded: “Look, I’m swinging!”
The moment happened in a matter of seconds. But it truly warmed my heart.
Every day, teachers and administrators go out of their way to help students in any way possible. What happened on the playground that day was just one of many examples of how teachers make a difference in Birmingham City Schools. They are amazing.
In remembering that moment, I want to thank Glen Iris Elementary School Assistant Principal Tronci Southall-Mason and all of the teachers dedicated to bringing about change, in and out of the classroom, for Birmingham City Schools. Because of them, it makes recognizing Happy Teacher Appreciation Week, set for May 4 -8, 2015, even more special.
Chanda Temple is a former reporter now working in public relations. She blogs at http://www.chandatemplewrites.com. Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple.
T.K. Thorne
May 3, 2015 at 5:58 pm (10 years ago)So much can change by a moment of kindness. Teachers have the most important jobs in the world. Thank you all! And thank you Chandra for noticing.
May 3, 2015 at 6:02 pm (10 years ago)Thank you so much for your kind words, T.K. Thorne. You are so right.