By Chanda Temple
In sticking with my challenge to #MakeMovesInMay toward better living, I finally tackled the stacks of papers piled up in my home office because clutter can stunt creativity.
Scribbled on notepads were quotes I’d collected from interviews, TV programs or social media. As I started to read them, I thought they’d be perfect to share today for Motivation Monday. May they help you on your journey of self improvement.
A comeback is not a go back
Once you make it, don’t try to go back and show others what you have done to prove you are worthy, says life coach Tim Storey on Oprah Winfrey’s “Super Soul Sunday.” Stay focused on the present and not the past.
Don’t ever question the call on your life
Do you feel called to inspire others? Don’t ignore the knock. Answer it and live it. In paraphrasing Ephesians 4:1, motivational speaker Tim Storey says you should live a life worthy of your calling. When you do that, be alive in your life and know you are doing what you are supposed to do.
Strut like a peacock and own it
Best-selling author, writing coach and Tom Joyner Morning Show producer Nikki Woods always has empowering teleconferences and tweet ups to inspire writers. A teleconference she hosted a while back featured Saturday Night Live alum, comedian and author Finesse Mitchell. I loved this comment from him: When you know you’re great, embrace the confidence and cockiness.
Want to write a book? Start today!
The more you write, the better you’ll get at it, authors Nikki Woods and Finesse Mitchell’s teleconference “So You Wanna Be an Author, Now What?” reveal. But how do you get people to notice? Fifty percent is writing the book and the other 50 percent is getting out and letting people know you wrote a hot book, says Mitchell. Also, surround yourself with people who have strengths you don’t have. It will help you grow, says Woods.
Push past the fear
If your career transitions to writing or doing something new, remain confident you will succeed. Remember that whatever you are about to embark upon, it will be great, says Finesse Mitchell.

If you are trying to move to the next level in life, think about what’s holding you back. Just like clutter on your desk keeps you from seeing a clean desk, fear, self-doubt and other things could be preventing you from getting where you need to go. Flickr image via Toni Girl.
Fight the slumps
One of the quotes I saved for a friend on a job search was a Facebook post that suggested if you’ve been looking for a job but nothing has worked, keep going. Something is bound to give. Don’t get tired, get hired, was the consensus of the message. It’s easy to get discouraged. But It’s important to remain vigilant.
Beware of the dream killers
Build a trusted support system. They will come when you call. When you want to do something new in life, some people will say, “Why do you want to do that?” Finesse Mitchell says. Distance yourself from those type people because they will only make you procrastinate. Just keep going. You’ve got this.
Stay positive, no matter what
Some people see problems. An entrepreneur sees opportunities, John Mackey, Whole Foods Co-Founder, said when appearing on Oprah Winfrey’s “Super Soul Sunday.”
Other memorable Mackey quotes included:
“I think entrepreneurs are highly creative dreamers who … don’t just dream. They go make their dreams happen. They create their dreams. They are dream creators.”
“Life is short, so don’t cheat yourself.”
Chanda Temple is a former reporter now working in public relations. She blogs at Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple.