Stuck on start? Get your engines going and just begin. Know this: It will be a beautiful journey because you are in the driver’s seat.
By Chanda Temple
I ran into a friend at a coffee shop this morning and she said something that got me to thinking.
She talked about life and then expressed how she really wanted to write. She said she liked to write poetry and maybe write even a book. I had no idea she loved to write, so her words intrigued me.
When I asked her why she had not started, she said, “It’s not that I’m scared. I’m just worried no one will like it.”
I immediately stopped her and said, “Just start.” I told her she’ll never know what she can do if she doesn’t do it. Plus, it should not matter what others think. If writing makes her happy, she should do it.
We talked some more and prepared to depart. Before I walked to my car, I turned to her and said, “Just start. Do it big with a blog or do it small with a Facebook post. Just do it.”
I share this story today with the hopes that it will spark that fire in someone who’s been wanting to do something but they’ve held back because they’ve continuously told themselves “I’m too busy,” “What if I fail,’ or “I’m going to do it – one day.”
Remember this: You, and only you, matter in this equation to get to your happy. Some day is today. Do it now.
Chanda Temple is a veteran reporter now working in public relations. She blogs at http://www.chandatemplewrites.com. Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple.
Darlene Real
July 29, 2016 at 1:38 pm (9 years ago)You continue to inspire me.
Thank you for the encouragement today.