January 2017 archive

Fear is your biggest enemy


If you don't know how, learn. It's that simple.

If you don’t know how, learn. It’s that simple.

By Chanda Temple

Years ago, I had this friend unable to parallel park. She would drive around on downtown streets until she found a place that did not require her to parallel park.

Do you know how time consuming that was? She would pass up good parking space after parking space because those spaces were sandwiched between two cars. Crazy, right? Well, not to her. She figured that eventually her luck would turn and she would find the perfect spot.

But who has time to wait on luck? If you want to make things happen, you have to make things happen.


Say, ‘buh-bye’ to negativity in 2017

You have goals. But sometimes, life gets in the way and you take your eyes off your goals. That's OK. You are human. But don't get stayed on stuck too long. Snap out of the distraction and keep striving. You have work to do.

You have goals. But sometimes, life gets in the way and you take your eyes off your goals. That’s OK. You are human. But don’t get stayed on stuck too long. Snap out of the distraction and keep striving. You have work to do.

By Chanda Temple 

Every year, you promise yourself you will do better.

You”ll lose weight. You’ll save money. You’ll improve your career.

While making all those promises, you should add another goal to your list: Avoid negative thoughts.

Whenever you feel yourself wanting to complain or think less of yourself, flip the switch and think better of yourself. Negative thoughts tend to weigh you down. They love to feed off misery. You don’t need that, especially in a new year.

Commit to being a better person and leaving all of the negativity behind you. When you feel yourself wanting to complain, think of something good to say. When you feel down, remember a good quote that inspires you. When someone gets on your last nerve or says something that is bound to send you down Negativity Lane, take a deep breath, go for a walk and escape the bad vibes. Such a move may not remove all of what you are feeling, but it will force you reflect on how things can be better.