Our handout for today’s session. So proud to be on a WordPress blogging panel with these fine folks today.
By Chanda Temple
In a few hours, I’ll be on a panel for a WordPress conference in Birmingham, Ala. to share thoughts on what I love: to write.
Writing is my passion. It’s what wakes me up in the morning and puts me down at night. So imagine my joy when I was invited to be on a blogging panel for WordCamp Birmingham, a workshop packed with tips for beginner and advanced bloggers, designers and developers. For an all-day conference that’s only $20 and also comes with a lunch, it’s the Deal of the Day.
When I attended last year’s conference, I wanted to start a blog but I didn’t know if I had what it would take to sustain a blog. Would people like me? Would they really like me? WordCamp was one of those resources that helped bury those fears.
One year later, I jumped into blogging and did what came naturally: I just started to write. It took me a minute to find a voice I liked. But after I kept at it, I discovered topics that worked for my readers and for me.
I’m happy to return to WordCamp to learn even more. I can’t wait to hear from fellow panelists Wade Kwon, Williesha Morris and Karla Archer and the other speakers today. I know I’ll become a better blogger because of them.
Check back later for tips from today’s panel. I’ll also be live tweeting about the conference. The hashtag is #wpyall.
Chanda Temple is a former reporter now working in public relations. She blogs about being better in business and more at http://www.chandatemplewrites.com. Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple. Contact her at chandatemple@gmail.com.