What does your brand say about you and your company?
Image by Rupert Ganzer via Flickr/CreativeCommons.
By Chanda Temple
I love a good conversation, especially when it’s packed with engaging or powerful tips to help make me better in my professional and personal life. Earlier this year, a friend suggested I check out her former college classmate’s weeklong teleseries on branding. I’m glad I did.
Ten minutes into the teleseries, Atlanta visual brand strategist and image coach Brandi Mitchell had me hooked on wanting to improve my branding game. Her information was bold and helpful, especially for setting goals for 2014. She left listeners feeling that whatever held them back in 2013, will no longer be a factor in 2014.
To get wherever you are going, she says, will take preparation and determination. “Don’t wait to be given the green light,” Brandi says. “Go create your own reality. She who brands it, believes it, builds it and becomes it, wins.’’
Impressive, right? Well, here are some of her tips for building a better you:
- Determine what you want.
Sometimes when we get older, we lose that zeal of dreaming. Where did it go? Think about what you want in this particular season of your life. Be honest with yourself and go after it. Sometimes determining what you want is determining what you don’t want.
- Check your attitude at the door
No matter if it’s good or bad, your attitude is your calling card and will determine how things go in your life. If something bad is going on in your life and you don’t shift that, the day will continue to go bad for you. Cheer up and try to make the best out of a bad situation. People like being around positive people.
- Learn to see in the dark
Learn how to visualize and see what you want. Some of our best inspirations come to us when things are going wrong.
- Have unshakeable faith
We have a problem believing in ourselves. But we have to shake off that doubt and believe that God made us creators and He wants to partner with us. Match your beliefs to your actions.

Even if you don’t feel like dressing up for a quick run to the grocery store or Casual Friday at work, you should. You are your brand. Apply a little powder and lipgloss or lipstick. Look like you are a contender.
Image by CherryBanana via Flickr/CreativeCommons.
- Look the part
Image is everything. When you enter a room, do you look defeated or do you look like you’ve already won? When you leave home, no matter the day or the destination, look like a contender. Smile. Walk with confidence. Look the part to get the role. If you embrace this in everything you do, you will be lightyears ahead of others.
- Embrace education
Lifelong learners have zeal and are always growing. Find out about new techniques in your field. Be willing to be coached or learn a new skill. Education only makes you better.
- Do you
Are you truly living the life that God created you to live? You have the ability to change it all. You just have to start. Rome was not built in a day. You can do it as slow or as fast as you’d like. But you can do it.
*Brandi Mitchell is the author of “Look the Part to Get the Role: The Ultimate Visual Branding Guide.” Check her out on Twitter at @brandimitchell6.

Need help with branding? Check out visual brand strategist and image coach Brandi Mitchell’s book “Look the Part to Get the Role.”
Chanda Temple worked as a reporter for 20 years before becoming a public relations professional. She blogs about being better in business, careers and more at http://www.chandatemplewrites.com. Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple.