Know a high school student with artistic talent? Encourage them to enter Books-A-Million new publishing contest. Image by Joan M. Mas via Flickr/Creative Commons.
By Chanda Temple
Books-A-Million is looking for aspiring artists and authors for its first publishing contest.
Students in grades 9 -12 may enter original poetry, short stories, essays, novels, photography or art for a chance to be published and appear on the shelves at Books-A-Million. Entries must be submitted by March 27, 2015.
Submissions must be at least 40 pages and no more than 800 pages. Entries can be the work of one student or several students.
All entries must be submitted by a faculty representative, with a maximum of five entries per school. The winning schools will receive publishing packages that include help with design and layout, as well as in-store placement. All royalties from book sales will go directly back to the school.
The first, second, and third place winning schools will also receive a donation of books of their choosing. at $3,000, $1,500 and $500, respectively.
Want to know more? Visit http://www.bampublish.com/contest for an application and contest rules.
Chanda Temple is a former journalist now working in public relations. She blogs at http://www.chandatemplewrites.com. Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple.