If you have the drive today, use it today. Don’t put it on a shelf and “save” it for another day. Pick it up and go while you have the desire to do better. it could lead to the next big thing.
By Chanda Temple
A friend texted me today, saying he wanted to work out but it was raining where he lived.
He knows I’m a big supporter of fitness, so I encouraged him to go for it. He texted back: “But I’m tired and sleepy. Plus, I left my headphones at work.”
I saw this exchange was gonna require some tough love. I texted back: “Did you have your headphones when you were downing that meal at P.F. Chang’s?”
Boom! What else could he say? Nothing. He knew I was right. In the end, he took his excuse-making behind to the gym.
If you want to be better, you have to do better. Nothing in life is easy. It takes work. So if he wants to get in good shape and stay in good shape for the good of him and his family, he needs to work out.
In life, we all need a little push. Sometimes, it’s a nudge. Other times it’s a body slam. No matter the situation, we need to be ready for the hits. The experience grows us and it shows us what we can do.
Chanda Temple is a veteran reporter now working in public relations. She blogs at http://www.chandatemplewrites.com. Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple.