Archive of ‘Entrepreneurs’ category

What does your business card say about your brand?


Sherrod Shackleford, left, and LaVon Lewis founded their branding and marketing company, PDG, in a dorm room, 14 years ago. Today, they are handling accounts for major companies. They are based in Atlanta, Ga.

Sherrod Shackelford, left, and LaVon Lewis founded their branding and marketing company, PDG, in a dorm room at Alabama A&M University, 14 years ago. Today, they are handling accounts for major companies. They are based in Atlanta, Ga. (Photo by Chanda Temple)

By Chanda Temple

Before you hand your business card to Sherrod Shackelford or LaVon Lewis, make sure the card is truly what you want to say about your company.

If not, be ready for their feedback because the two founders of PDG, a branding and marketing firm based in Atlanta, Ga., are not shy about sizing you and your card up and  saying what they like and don’t like about it. 

“I don’t know what you are selling,” one of them told an entrepreneur during a recent branding workshop, where attendees provided their business cards for critiques.


Motivation Monday: How to build a better you for your business and your brand

What does your brand say about you and your company?  Image by Rupert Ganzer via  Flickr/CreativeCommons.

What does your brand say about you and your company?
Image by Rupert Ganzer via Flickr/CreativeCommons.

By Chanda Temple

I love a good conversation,  especially when it’s packed with engaging or powerful tips to help make me better in my professional and personal life. Earlier this year, a friend suggested I check out her former college classmate’s weeklong teleseries on branding. I’m glad I did.

Ten minutes into the teleseries, Atlanta visual brand strategist and image coach Brandi Mitchell had me hooked on wanting to improve my branding game. Her information was bold and helpful, especially for setting goals for 2014. She left listeners feeling that whatever held them back in 2013, will no longer be a factor in 2014. 

To get wherever you are going, she says, will take preparation and determination. “Don’t wait to be given the green light,” Brandi says. “Go create your own reality. She who brands it, believes it, builds it and becomes it, wins.’’

Impressive, right? Well, here are some of her tips for building a better you:


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