Archive of ‘Wednesday’s Word’ category

Will your tomorrow be better than your today?


By Chanda Temple 

When the sun goes down today, will you weep or will you run?

Weird question, huh? But it’s pretty easy to answer.

Will you weep because you still haven’t done what you’ve been meaning to do to get ahead in life? Or will you run, run to your next destiny because you’ve started to implement a plan of improvement for yourself? It doesn’t matter if you’ve stalled or soared in your plan. The main point is that you’ve started.

No matter your answer in this little quiz, the meaning behind all of it comes down to you. You are the one with the power to decide what will happen when the sun goes down on your dreams. Will you be stumbling around in the dark or will you have vision to see light at the end of the tunnel?

Chanda Temple is a former reporter now working in public relations. She blogs at Follow her on Twitter at @chandatemple.

Wednesday’s Word

How many times have you asked others if you should do this or buy that? Stop it. They are not you. What's for you is for you.

How many times have you asked others if you should do this or buy that?  Stop it. They are not you. What’s for you is for you.

Note: I attended Oprah Winfrey’s Life You Want Weekend Tour earlier this fall. I’m blogging every day this week about main messages from the event. Today is Day 3.

By Chanda Temple

Earlier this year, a colleague shared something that made me really think: “You can’t tell everyone your dreams.”

She was so right. There are some people unable to understand what you want to do and others unwilling to understand. When you seek their advice, it may leave you worse off than before you asked them. You start to doubt your dreams, and that’s never good.

So how do you handle the questions stirring within you? Do nothing. Be still. And wait. That was part of Oprah Winfrey’s message during her Life You Want Weekend Tour earlier this fall in Atlanta, Ga. When you are still, the answer will come.


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